Elands Public School

Living to Learn, Learning to Live

Telephone02 6550 4557


Elands PS Parents & Citizens AGM

The Elands P&C will be holding their AGM on Thursday 20th of MARCH at 3.15pm at Elands School. ALL WELCOME TO ATTEND!

At this time all positions will be declared vacant and open to new members of the school community to take these positions on.

Being a member of the P&C is a very good opportunity for school community members to have their say, and be actively involved with the issues, policies and events that effect and shape our children’s school education and development.

The P&C also assists in supporting the school financially, giving our children opportunities for greater experience and learning. E.g. Financial support for school camp fees, bus trip costs for outings etc.

If you are willing and able to take up a position on the P&C this is the time to do so. SEE YOU THERE!